The ‘How to eat your Christmas tree’ project was a supper club series that began in 2015 and has since become a successful, festive cookbook (published by Hardie Grant, 2020).
This project explores the unsung, edible heroes of our forests — conifers and their evergreen friends. As well as recipes for cooking with pine, fir and spruce, both book and supper club encourage reflection around food waste and resourcefulness around Christmas, one of the most wasteful times of year. Did you know that if we decided to leave just one year's Christmas tree harvest to grow that those trees, over the course of their lifetimes, could collect the same amount of CO2 emitted annually by the global aviation industry? Trying to eat your tree is not only a way of extending the already short shelf life of something that has become so inappropriately disposable but is also an opportunity to really scrutinise keeping trees in the first place.
The final Christmas tree supper club ran in early 2023, but the cookbook continues to be sold and is available to buy in all good book shops in English, German and French.
Read more about how and why the project started here.